Along with the intermodal revolution of containerization, we provide best possibilities to transport larger volumes of minerals directly in container.

Bulk Liners are typically used by intermodal logistic operators. Thanks to the top-loading spouts they replace the tank trailers.
Fields of application
Chemicals, Food, Minerals

Fluidizing Liners allow the shipment of sticky, hard to flow materials such as Cement, bulk in container. To operate at the most efficient pace a specific pumping equipment is required.
Fields of application
Chemicals, Food, Minerals

Barless liner eliminates the costs and risks of the steel bars typically used to hold the cargo at loading and discharging.
Fields of application
Chemicals, Food, Minerals

Sea-box Liners are designed for ISO GP containers. They are the ideal packaging solution to safely ship free flowing dry bulk commodities.
Fields of application
Chemicals, Food, Minerals